The One Minutes Collection consists of over 18,000 video works by artists from more than 120 countries. The collection is preserved by The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, which manages audio-visual heritage. You can view and listen to the collection online.
See How to search The One Minutes Collection? for a more extensive user guide of Sound and Vision.

Video still: Persijn Broersen and Margit Lukacs, Dubai Financial District, 2009, Netherlands.
The collection is not only a source of inspiration for the many artists and curators who come into contact with it, it is also fantastic research material. And it provides a source of opportunity for our clients. One Minutes are used as art installations, as content in exhibitions and filmfestivals and in talk shows and (television) programmes.
For questions about licenses and reuse, please contact The One Minutes.
Publication requests for television are handled by Sound and Vision.

Video still: Florian and Michael Quistrebert, Maid of the Mist, 2009, France.